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1 [A] -1 b) 1 [B] -6 a)
-2 b) -7 a)
-3 a) -8 a)
-4 b) -9 a)
-5 a) -10 c)
2 [A] -11 a) 2 [B] -16 c)
-12 d) -17 c)
-13 c) -18 a)
-14 c) -19 a)
-15 d) -20 c)
(a) [試訳]ときには行楽者として、ときには批判的な観察者として国立公園を何度となく訪れてから半世紀以上が経つ。自分の五感には、ヨセミテやオリンピックといった国立公園の風景や音また匂いの記憶が刻み込まれている。
(b) [試訳]そのような状況があるため、現場で働く多くの専門職員の士気を低下させるだけでなく、90年ものあいだ国立公園のシステムを機能させてきた法規制の枠組みを崩壊させる事態にあった。
(c) [試訳]忍耐と双眼鏡さえあれば、イエローストーン国立公園では最近バイソン(野牛)に加えオオカミを見ることができるかもしれない。降水量が不足しないかぎり、ヨセミテ渓谷にあるブライダルベール滝は、これから先も訪れる多くの人を魅了するにちがいない。
(a) [試訳1] Movements to preserve all the traditional villages and streets as they originally were have recently started to draw attention throughout Japan.

[試訳2]The Japanese have been lately taking an interest in the campaign to keep all the historical villages and rows of old houses in their original condition.
(b) [試訳1] Under the “Happy Monday” system the Japanese government moved four national holidays to Mondays, thereby increasing the frequency of three-day weekends for people who do not have to work on Saturdays and Sundays.

[試訳2] As the Japanese government transferred [shifted] four national holidays to Mondays under the “Happy Monday” system, the frequency of three-day weekends for people who are off work on Saturdays and Sundays is on the rise.
(c) [試訳1] It is hoped that these visitors will not cause [do] damage to the important natural landmarks and cultural assets by trespassing thoughtlessly from curiosity and driving around carelessly into restricted areas [places].

[試訳2] Hopefully these tourists will not damage the important scenic beauty and cultural properties by intruding rashly out of curiosity and driving their own [private] cars recklessly around the limited areas [sections].
5 [A] -41 d) -46 c) 5 [B] -51 a)
-42 a) -47 b) -52 a)
-43 c) -48 d) -53 d)
-44 b) -49 d) -54 b)
-45 b) -50 a) -55 d)
6 [A] -56 b) -61 d) 6 [B] -66 d)
-57 c) -62 c) -67 b)
-58 b) -63 b) -68 a)
-59 c) -64 b) -69 b)
-60 b) -65 c) -70 a)


7 -71 d) 8 -76 d)
-72 d) -77 d)
-73 b) -78 b)
-74 b) -79 c)
-75 d) -80 b)
9 [A] -81 b) 9 [B] -86 [T]
-82 c) -87 [F]
-83 b) -88 [T]
-84 c) -89 [F]
-85 d) -90 [F]
10[A] -91 d) 10 [B] -96 [T]
-92 d) -97 [F]
-93 a) -98 [F]
-94 b) -99 [T]
-95 c) -100 [F]


1 [A] -1 c) 1 [B] -6 b)
-2 a) -7 a)
-3 b) -8 c)
-4 d) -9 d)
-5 b) -10 b)
2 -11 a) -16 a) 3 -21 c)
-12 a) -17 a) -22 b)
-13 c) -18 b) -23 d)
-14 b) -19 a) -24 c)
-15 b) -20 a) -25 a)
4 [A] -26 b) 4[B] -31 d) 4[C] -36 b)
-27 d) -32 a) -37 d)
-28 c) -33 d) -38 a)
-29 c) -34 c) -39 c)
-30 b) -35 b) -40 b)
5 [A] -41 c) 5 [B] -46 b)
-42 a) -47 a)
-43 b) -48 c)
-44 c) -49 b)
-45 d) -50 d)


6 -51 b) 7 -56 c)
-52 a) -57 d)
-53 c) -58 b)
-54 b) -59 b)
-55 a) -60 a)
8 -61 a) 9 -71 a)
-62 a) -72 b)
-63 c) -73 c)
-64 d) -74 d)
-65 a) -75 c)
-66 b) -76 b)
-67 c) -77 b)
-68 d) -78 b)
-69 a) -79 a)
-70 b) -80 d)
10[A] -81 d) 10[B] -86 d)
-82 c) -87 b)
-83 b) -88 c)
-84 c) -89 d)
-85 a) -90 b)


1 [A] -1 a) 1 [B] -6 d)
-2 c) -7 a)
-3 b) -8 b)
-4 d) -9 d)
-5 b) -10 c)
2 -11 b) -16 c) 3 -21 b)
-12 c) -17 b) -22 d)
-13 a) -18 d) -23 c)
-14 d) -19 a) -24 b)
-15 b) -20 c) -25 a)
4 [A] -26 b) 4 [B] -31 b) 4 [C] -36 a)
-27 a) -32 d) -37 a)
-28 c) -33 b) -38 d)
-29 c) -34 b) -39 b)
-30 d) -35 a) -40 c)
5 [A] -41 d) 5 [B] -46 a)
-42 b) -47 b)
-43 c) -48 d)
-44 b) -49 b)
-45 b) -50 c)


6 -51 c) 7 -56 b)
-52 d) -57 d)
-53 a) -58 b)
-54 c) -59 d)
-55 b) -60 a)
8 -61 c) 9 -71 b)
-62 a) -72 c)
-63 c) -73 c)
-64 a) -74 c)
-65 d) -75 c)
-66 b) -76 c)
-67 d) -77 d)
-68 c) -78 b)
-69 a) -79 a)
-70 c) -80 b)
10[A] -81 a) 10[B] -86 c)
-82 b) -87 b)
-83 c) -88 b)
-84 d) -89 b)
-85 c) -90 b)